Симферополь, Ул. Тав-Даир 53
+7 (978) 267-05-86
Симферополь, Евпаторийское шоссе 157
+7 (978) 267-05-86, e-mail: antonsed@gmail.com
Феодосия, Крым Ул. Керченское шоссе 2В
+7 (978) 267-05-86, e-mail: antonsed@gmail.com
Керчь, ул. Войкова 29, маг. "Цунами"
+7 (978) 267-05-86, e-mail: info@krym-decor.ru

Zephyro Pearl

Zephyro Pearl
Розница:482.90 руб.
Наличие:В наличии

...with Madreperla Reflex

Like a strong wind of precious sand, Zephyro is a decorative paint based on selected ceramic grains, wrapped in a precious gold or silver mixture, creating a unique sandy metal effect. Zephyro enand brings back the classic

  • Zephyro Pearl
  • Zephyro Pearl
  • Zephyro Pearl

...with Madreperla Reflex

Like a strong wind of precious sand, Zephyro is a decorative paint based on selected ceramic grains, wrapped in a precious gold or silver mixture, creating a unique sandy metal effect. Zephyro enand brings back the classic style.
